Each month the CVAI Local Group #1010 members write letters to Iranian officials demanding justice for human rights activists and women's rights defenders Yasaman Aryani, Monireh Arabshahi, Mojgan Keshavarz, Saba Kordafshari, and Nasrin Sotoudeh.
To end human rights abuses of women who are oppressed by forced veiling laws in Iran. Veiling should be a free choice, made by the women.
A) To bring attention to the cases of specific women in Iran who are suffering under forced veiling laws.
B) To obtain through research information about Iran so our efforts can be well-advised and successful.
Primary Objective 1
A) Petition the immediate and unconditional release of the following women being held in Iran prisons: Yasaman Aryani, her mother, Monireh Arabshahi, Mojgan Keshavarz, Saba Kordafshari, and Nasrin Sotoudeh
Primary Objective 2
B) While in detention, these women should be treated humanely and provided with any necessary medical care as well as access to their lawyers and their families.

Twenty-one-year-old Saba Kord Afshari, a women's rights defender, faces 15 years in prison after peacefully campaigning against the mandatory veil in Iran. She is a prisoner of conscience who must be immediately and unconditionally released.
Saba Kordafshari was released in February 2023!

Twenty-four-year-old Yasaman Aryani and her mother, Monireh Arabshahi, were arrested in 2019 in relation to a video that went viral on International Women’s Day, in which they and several other women’s rights defenders can be seen without their headscarves, distributing flowers to female passengers on a metro train in Tehran and discussing their hopes for women’s rights in Iran. In the video, Monireh Arabshahi says she hopes “the day will come when women are not forced to struggle” for their rights and Yasaman Aryani hands a flower to a woman wearing a hijab and says she hopes that one day they can walk side by side in the street “me without the hijab and you with the hijab”.
Fellow activist Mojgan Keshavarz was also jailed for protesting forced veiling laws and sentenced to 23 years and 6 month of prison.
Yasaman Aryani & Monireh Arabshahi were released from prison in February 2023!
After two grossly unfair trails, Nasrin Sotoudeh, a prominent Iranian human rights lawyer, was sentenced to 33 years and six months in prison and 148 lashes because of her work defending women's rights and protesting against Iran’s discriminatory and degrading forced veiling laws. Nasrin has dedicated her life to peaceful human rights works.
Nasrin has been granted temporary medical furlough, but that we are urging authorities that her conviction and sentence be voided.